Welcome to my blogspace

Welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

I am opening this blogspace for honoring emergence.

Last year, I sold the product development business I began over a decade ago and grew through the years in order to engage with a deeper layer of my purpose. If there’s one thing I learned in that decade, it is the importance of the iterative process. Eventually, I discovered the need to disengage from the “me” that I perceived through indoctrination and systemic oppression others needed, and to connect with the “me” that I always have been. I have spent the last year in rest and recovery from the habitual patterns of capitulation to the status quo and instead tuning into an identity that is in alignment with my deepest values of belonging, mattering, and interdependence. I can report that it has been very scary to let things be, to stop carrying out all the habitual patterns, to believe that my whole life is still ahead of me. It is my deepest longing to be of service to this sort of shift towards authenticity in the world. I welcome you to come along, walk with me!

Throughout the process of developing this website, I did not know that offering a blog would be part of the infrastructure. Only as I sat on a beach celebrating and appreciating the progress made and nearness to launch did I hear the quiet internal voice that suggested a desire for a space to deposit short missives related to presence, authenticity, and emergence. I’ve come to recognize through practice this quiet voice to be the creative voice of my intuition. When I hear it, I know it is aligned with larger scale ideas and I do not need to understand all of it to start supporting the message.

I don’t yet know what this blog will look like, and I trust that it will take its necessary shape. I realize it is important that, in fact, I don’t know what it looks like in advance. What else would a space devoted to emergence look like? I know that a requirement of honoring emergence is what poet David Whyte has called “cultivating a relationship with the unknown.” And so it it is into this darkness I step, trusting that the stones will be laid beneath my feet as I walk.

I look forward to seeing what this offering turns into as it lives in the world and interacts with those whom it is meant to serve.

A friend asked me earlier today about the significance of my devotion to the moon and my name, Cate Moon. Perhaps I can start there for my first post… I do want to tell part of that story!

See you next time.


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