Floating Downstream

I will tell the story of my name as I promised in my welcome post, but first, while it is timely, I most wish to offer gratitude to a friend in a story about emergence and community.

About this time last year, I cashed in a career I spent over ten years developing with the intention of aligning my vocation to activities closer to my heart. When I consider the past, present and future risks involved in saying “merci, au revoir” to my material means, I like to think of Martha Beck (in a podcast called “Quitted”) saying something like “these days we have lifespans to explore many dreams, not just one or two”.

Like anyone in a transition, I needed space to experience the exit, the change, the shift, the falling away of patterns, the sloughing. I gave myself several months to just be with that gooey state of uncertainty. 

Towards the end of the year, I I noticed a need to begin giving my next professional efforts shape. I sat with a friend one afternoon on a purely social call. She told me she planned to relaunch some professional programs, revamping them with language more closely reflecting her values. “What kind of programs are they?” I asked.

I sat dumbfounded as she told me she had some classes geared toward helping folks launch their own websites. We became friends after she shelved these efforts awaiting clarity, so was not familiar with this part of her work. She told me how she wanted to take the icky marketing language (target market, pain point, conversions) out of the curriculum and replace it with support for entrepreneurs who want to distill their heart’s contribution into an offering to the world that honors trust in abundance.

I signed up for her program as soon as the offer hit my inbox.

The synchronicity of Runa’s offer and my need for support to launch a website (I’m NOT a digital native, and the last time I built a website I had a team) reflects what I consider a deep flow that exists in my life. I launched a website by myself with some finely tuned support that landed on my lap while I sat on the beach with a friend. Let the salmon fight the currents, these things and more are possible floating downstream! 

Just this past week, another friend asked me, “What are your plans for your new business?”. I told him the last time I started a business, I just started it. It became something so much more expansive than I ever could have imagined on my own. I told him I intend to do the same here, release the limits of my imagination and allow the flow to take me where I belong. 

This is where I meet you, trusting in the unfolding.

Specific thanks to Runa Bird at Be Bright Studio